How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy?

Hair loss is a normal occurrence after pregnancy for women. Approximately 90% of your hair is growing at one time, while the other 10% rests back. Telogen effluvium is the medical term for the excessive shedding of hair and it occurs for anywhere between one to five months after pregnancy. Hair is the glory of a woman’s beauty and they spend a lot of time and money in keeping their hair beautiful. During pregnancy, an increased number of hair go into the resting phase. This causes the hair fall in large number, post pregnancy. To prevent the hair loss after pregnancy, use these simple and easy to follow tips.

How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy?
Recognize that hair loss is normal: You lose more than you would, as a result of the stress you incur noticing the hair loss. Before your pregnancy, you normally shed up to 100 hairs per day. Whereas, during pregnancy you have a large number of estrogen and this is the reason why your hair keeps on growing longer and beautiful. However, after the baby is born, this estrogen level drops down due to the bodily and hormonal changes you are exposed to and you start losing your hair.

Avoid stretchy hairstyles: You should choose hairstyles that aren’t stressful for your hair. Braids, cornrows, weave or tight rollers tend to pull hair and cause stress, pain and trauma to your scalp. Pin up your hair in a loosely tied bun, wrap up your hair around the scrunched bun and secure them with a clip. Try a new, shorter haircut while your body returns to normal. Short hairstyles are easier to maintain.
Also Read: 10 Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Oil Here
Supplement your diet: Consume vitamins and minerals. Maintain a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables. They are not only healthy but they also contain flavonoids and antioxidants that protect your hair and scalp. You can have Vitamin B, Zinc, Vitamin E, Biotin and Vitamin C as they are the best suited nutrients intake for your body.

How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy?Selection of a suitable shampoo: A right shampoo must not include harmful chemicals. You should select shampoo that contains biotin or silica that improves hair health and also stimulates your hair growth. Use this shampoo regularly and rinse with cold water for best results.
Also Read: How to Choose the Right Shampoo for Your Hair Type Here
Breastfeed your baby: Breast-feeding is a recommended practice. It produces more hormones than regular, balancing the changes your body goes through. Many breast-feeding women don’t lose their hair until their menstrual cycle returns back. This fact even makes your baby healthy and makes you lose less hair.
Combing your hair: You shouldn’t use a thin-toothed hair brush to comb your hair. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb. The wide-toothed comb reduces the heavy amount of pulling and stress to your hair while combing. As you attempt to remove tangles and unwanted dirt after washing it. Excessive pulling of your hair causes pain, stretch and fall of your hair.
Reduce the use of heated styling tools: Heated styling tools like curling iron, hot rollers and blow dryers can dry your hair out. It also increases your chances for hair loss. Allow your hair to dry up naturally and style it naturally. It gives a sassy look as well as decreases the chances of excessive hair-fall.
Realization of time: You must realize that with all those changes that occurred while your pregnancy, hair-fall is too a change and that shall pass too. It passes with time and it is absolutely natural. Remember with these steps, you cannot prevent them completely, but one can take measures to control excessive hair-fall.
Also Read: 10 Hair Care Mistakes to Avoid Here

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